Part 4: Day One- Page 3
Now where were we?Alley
This narrow aperture between two buildings is nearly blocked with piles of rotting cardboard boxes and overstuffed garbage cans. Ugly, half-crumbling brick walls to either side totter oppressively over you. The alley ends here at a tall, wooden fence.
High up on the wall of the northern building there is a narrow, transom-style window.
Davin Valkri posted:
Maybe either use umbrella on window (to get it open) or use umbrella on fence (to help squeeze through)?
>open window with umbrella
The window is too high.
>open fence with unbrella
You can't see any such thing.
Ugh. This fence. Still we'll get to it in a second.
Ghostwoods posted:
See if we can drag boxes over to climb up to the window.
>drag box under window
The boxes fall to pieces in your hands.
That's not a verb I recognise.
YOU'RE not a verb I recognise! Anyway, there's nothing more disgusting than rotten boxes. Ick.
Seyser Koze posted:
Eat boxes
Eat refuse
We have to work our way up to the De la Poer legacy.
Well, Miranda is a bit peckish.
>eat box
They're plainly inedible.

>eat trash
They're plainly inedible.
No Gravitas posted:
Search the trashcan?
>search trashcan
You are not about to go digging through garbage.
Damn you, Miranda, and your standards! Freegans are not bad people!
Now onto that fence. Sometimes Anchorhead is picky about the order you do things, tho thankfully not often. This fence is an example.
>squeeze through fence
You can only exit the alley to the northwest.
>look at fence
One of the boards seems to be loose down at the bottom; you could probably just squeeze through.
>squeeze through fence
(closing the umbrella first)
Dropping to your hands and knees, you wriggle underneath the loose board and scramble down a muddy slope.
Narrow Beach
This narrow strip of beach is tucked away between two outcroppings in the predominantly rocky shoreline, accessible only from a steep, muddy slope to the west. The sand is filthy and strewn with rocks, seaweed, litter and other bits of storm-tossed detritus.
Near the bottom of the slope, a sewage outflow pipe juts out over the beach, about three feet above the ground. A thin stream of acrid-smelling sewer water trickles out over the lip of the pipe, forming a puddle in the sand.
You are getting wet.
You read that right. You have to look at the fence before you can squeeze through. If you don't look RIGHT before you squeeze, it acts as if you've just tried to head east.
>open umbrella
You open the umbrella.
>look at litter
There is nothing of any worth or interest here, just drifts of trash.
>look at sea
The sea is the color of old pewter, surging and chopping restlessly beneath the clouds.
>look at rocks
The steep, rocky outcroppings extend into the water on either end of the narrow beach.
I happen to know that this place doesn't come up until later. Right now, it's just a set piece.
You pick your way up the slope, push the loose board aside and slip back in through the gap.
(closing the umbrella first)
This narrow aperture between two buildings is nearly blocked with piles of rotting cardboard boxes and overstuffed garbage cans. Ugly, half-crumbling brick walls to either side totter oppressively over you. The alley ends here at a tall, wooden fence.
High up on the wall of the northern building there is a narrow, transom-style window.
You are getting wet.
>open umbrella
You open the umbrella.
Old Grey Guy posted:
>climb trashcan / boxes
>open window
>climb on trashcan
You clamber onto the wobbling garbage can, precariously balanced.
>open window
Hmm. You still can't quite reach, because the garbage can is too far away from the wall. Perhaps if you pushed it closer...
Well, at least we can sort of stand on these cans. Miranda's diet of garbage and exercise has paid off!
Now, if I mix our suggestions...
Carefully, you descend.
>drag trashcan to window
I only understood you as far as wanting to drag the garbage can.
>drag trashcan under window
Grunting and holding your breath, you manhandle one of the filthy cans under the window.
>get on trashcan
You clamber onto the wobbling garbage can, precariously balanced. You can just reach the lower edge of the window from here.
A sudden gust of wind blows a cold spray of rain into your face.
>open window
You open the transom window.
(closing the umbrella first)
It's a tight squeeze, but you just manage to wriggle through, dropping quietly to the floor inside.

File Room
Peering through the murk, you can make out the blocky outlines of filing cabinets lining the walls and a doorway to the west. A window high up on the south wall lets in a very faint illumination.
Success! What's all this then?
>look at cabinets
There must be hundreds of files here, too many to browse through. You'll have to look up something specific if you want to find anything.
>look up Carter
(in the filing cabinets)
You don't find anything filed under that heading.
>look up miranda carter
(in the filing cabinets)
You don't find anything filed under that heading.
I bet we could take all the files and sort through them later. Our trenchcoat is legendary.
>take files
They're hardly portable.
Guess not.
Well, I'm open to suggestions. Put them in Bold.